Chiken Guniya , wait a min , before u start thinking that it's some new nawabi chiken dish, stop there. It's a viral fever caused by bite by mosquito.
Now since the rain season is going on & all over India is having flooding which is helping our best friend of "night" mosquito to grow their community. Then there are few more places like resevoir water or dumping ground , wastage channels are to add to that list.Many places in India have reports of having thousands of cases for "Chiken guniya" including ahmedabad, surat, chennai etc. People are trying their best to kill these "blood suckers" , I myself busy trying various products. Till then , I tried mosquito coil (Kachchuwa jalao machchar bhagao, lol), next 1 is spray to try.
now I know why some freak wrote that song "sala 1 machchar aadmi ko ...... bana deta hai "
Thanks for linking but you typed the URL wrongly..
Can u plz change it to http://manast.zeeblo.com
oops , sorry ,edited it & yea thanks for showing.
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