3rd installement of fast & furious series
I saw this movie on my PC since again it's late asian release. But, the movie has finally hit cinemas here & I cheked it on cinema just last week with friends. The story is like " Sean Boswell, who has always been an outsider. A loner at school, his only connection to the indifferent world around him is through illegal street racing -- which has made him particularly unpopular with the local authorities. To avoid jail time, Sean is sent out of the country to live with his Farther in the military, in a cramped apartment in a low-rent section of Tokyo. Here , he found new friend like Twinkie who is man in racing there with his awesome modified Toyota. Then , he race with villan of movie called "D.K." & looses to him the race . In btw , he fall in love with D.K.'s love Neela. Since, he loosed the race , he joins hand with Han (partner of D.K.) to learn drifting car. Han is charged with moving money from D.K . from their mafia business. Should , I tell the rest of story , no way , comon , chek the movie yourself.
rating : 6/10
Notes: In the opening sequence , there is a background song which I really liked much ( chek it ).The movie having tell of Yakuza which is mafia trade involving "pachinko machines". The main man heading the business is called "Komoto". Movie will also teach you new japanise word like "takashi", "gygine"( ow, new way to learn Japanise).
& yeah , there is Han in the movie who look like Jackie chan. Vin Diesel is in special cameo roll in the end. Sean is calling D.K. =japanise timberlake , LoL.
and thanks to film director to show some awesome cars & lottttts of Japanise gals.
I din't know this was your site! Good show. I think you should have got WP man.
Anyway good review there. The IMDb rating is low and below the threshold that I might want it to be. Japanese chicks are not my kind of chicks. If it got some Latin chicks, then I would have check it definitely.
WP , I too lazy to use it ,especially with these busy days.
I know the IMDB rating is low.
actully I commented about Japanese chicks becoz there are too much latin chiks everywhere , so ,just for a change , LoL.
FnF 3 suxk, I mean what good a movie can get if Paul Walker refused it? It sucks right down to the cars in it... gah.
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